The Key of Elyon

book--The Key of Elyon

Book Synopsis


READERS CALL The Key of Elyon and the books in the Key Guardian Journal series “captivating” and “magical.” Take a step into another realm with Stephen and Lucy and follow their fantastic journeys!

An ancient book, a mysterious key and a king from another realm lead Stephen and his grandfather on the adventure of their lives. For 12 year-old Stephen to fulfill his destiny, however, he must discover the secret of the Key of Elyon.

Print Length

178 pages

Publication Date

May 30, 2012

Formats Available

Hardcover Unavailable

Reader Reviews

An awesome read

The Key of Elyon was definitely a book I did not want to put down. The story line is of a boy who is awakened to another realm in which he has to fight against evil, though not your typical good versus evil. It is filled with magical beings and creatures you never could have imagined. I can’t wait to read the next 2 books in this series. I love to read, but the book has to really catch my interest, and this one did the job! I think I would really like to see this made into a movie, but only if it can do the book justice!

Reviewed on February 17, 2014 by Michelle[permalink]