Elyon’s Light: Lucy’s Call

book--Elyons Light - Lucys Call

Book Synopsis

After her stepfather and his grandson are falsely accused and imprisoned, Lucy finds herself in the uncomfortable position of having to fight their familiar enemy from another realm without their aid. The feisty 16 year-old knows she must uncover the truth and thwart a plot designed to destroy many lives, but she has little time. As she rushes to save John, Stephen and the others, Lucy discovers the powerful ability of Elyon’s keys to unlock her destiny and bring light into the future of others.

Print Length

166 pages

Publication Date

May 30, 2013

Formats Available

Hardcover Unavailable

Reader Reviews

Enjoyable Read

This is a YA series about a young man with powers; you would never be able to discern that from the cover or know it is a YA book. The writing is fluent and story catches you from the opening with the painting of the picturesque picnic on a hot summer’s day. I love this series, but I can only give four stars since the covers do not reflect what the books are about. A good match and grouping would be something similar to an original Harry Potter cover, then young adults will know the book is for them. Great job on the story and series. I look forward to reading more of your works.

Reviewed on July 7, 2013 by Augusta Writers[permalink]

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