Murder En Pointe


Book Synopsis

With a diva ballerina waltzing through town for two sold-out performances, Grace Ward has to be on her toes to make sure the star’s flowers are perfect. Her delivery goes awry when she finds the prima donna dead, and another Augusta mystery lands in her lap.

Print Length

164 pages

Publication Date

October 26, 2016

Formats Available

Hardcover Unavailable

Reader Reviews

Mysterious Happenings at the Ballet

I have always loved ballet and have seen several Russian Ballet Companies perform so this book really interested me. The prima ballerina in the story is depicted as being very demanding with a hot temper, yet when Grace meets her she seems different to her. So just who was the prima ballerina and why was she murdered? What was written on her dressing room mirror and who is the mysterious man Grace sees in her dreams who appears to love the ballerina.

There are plenty of suspects in this one, but who had the most motive to kill the star of the ballet? The fact that most of the suspects speak Russian adds to the drama. They need a silent interpreter to help with the investigation which resourceful Beth provides. There are many secrets surrounding this case. It’s up to Grace, Emma, and Beth to help Drew solve the case!

I enjoyed the complex storyline with plenty of twists. The main characters are so well developed I feel I know them and can feel their emotions. The secondary characters hold your attention.

I look forward to reading the next installment in this series by Charmain Zimmerman Brackett!

Reviewed on April 10, 2020 by Helen R. Drake[permalink]